Cottage cheese mousse with berries

I always feel like my breakfast is a little bit too boring. Well, I don’t mean that we (me and family) cook and eat the same breakfast everyday, there is a certain variety… but. It’s similar to joggling some very few balls: eggs&beans, pancakes, cornflakes, porridge. And the variety looks like last time it was scrambled eggs, this time it’ll be omelette, last time it used to be pancakes with banana, today will make it berries. Sometimes small changes make a big difference, but it doesn’t work with breakfasts. You still feel like they are all the same and boring.

Sometimes I get really tired of that and begin seeking for new recipes that will suit family breakfast, considering that everyone needs to be fed, satisfied and the recipe needs to be quick.
I share my finding with you. It’s not a quick one, as it takes 4 hours to set up in fridge, but it’s easy one to make late evening. And the next morning you just take it out and serve the table – 20 minutes of your morning is saved for the sake of sleep or a run.
Cottage cheese is particularly popular in Russia, where it’s mostly used plain or to make some nice bakery like cheesy pancakes called “syrniki” or cheesy cake we call “zapekanka”. This one is really different from traditional use of cottage cheese in Russia. It’s more like a cheesecake without biscuit layer.


We’ll need:
500 g cottage cheese
300 ml double cream
100 ml single cream
30 g gelatin
1/2 cup brown sugar
400 g berries of your choice


Process the cottage cheese through the strainer to mash all clumps. Mix gelatin with 1/2 cup of water, leave for 10 minutes. Combine single cream and sugar, bring the mixture to boil until sugar dissolves. Add gelatin to hot cream mixture. Whick the cottage cheese. Continue whisking adding gelatin mass. Whisk double cream till hard peaks. Fold cream in cheesy mixture and stir very carefully to save as much air as possible.

Line a cake form (20-23 cm) with food film, layer it with berries and cover with cottage cheese. Put into fridge to set up for at list 4 hours or overnight.


This mousse is  dense enough to make a nourishing breakfast, but it is still good as a desert.004-1

Take out and enjoy!

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